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PhotoGIMP Tweaked - Photoshop Workflow on G.I.M.P. 2.10

What is PhotoGIMP Tweaked?

In short, a "patch" for the GNU Image Manipulation Program with pre-configured shortcuts and UI aiming for a better resemblance to Adobe Photoshop, more specifically Adobe Photoshop CreativeSuite 6, the definitive version of the software before Adobe decided to make things worse for everyone by forcing the subscription model for the software after the implementation of the Creative Cloud.

Based and built upon Diolinux's original PhotoGIMP project.

The main goal of this tweak is to make things simpler and remove things that doesn't seem quite right in my view, while adding stuff that can be useful for professional use.

List of Tweaked Contents:

  • Photoshop-style Shortcuts for Tools, Filters and other Menu options
  • UI resembling PS (with a toolbar on the left and dockable dialogs on the right)
  • Adobe Color Profiles for RGB and CMYK (Adobe RGB 1998 & Coated FOGRA39 + many more)
  • A new custom splash screen!
  • Download:


    In the last few years I started to migrate my digital works and projects to open-source alternatives, so much so that at the moment all of my creations as a Contracted and Freelance Graphic Designer have been made using only programs like GIMP, Inkscape and Kdenlive for example.

    For many years I used Adobe solutions in my projects, mainly Photoshop, in which I ended up conditioned to the shortcuts and layout of the program. When I migrated to GIMP this was one of my main difficulties of adaptation since it was necessary either to adapt to the new shortcuts and layout or else spend my time trying to configure the program to be more like Photoshop, UI and shortcut-wise. With this I discovered "PhotoGIMP", which is a patch for GIMP with this objective.

    This patch is, in cruder terms, basically an overlay of settings files of the program that aims to emulate the characteristics of Adobe's software, thus making it possible to have an experience closer to what most users are used to in other applications.

    This patch was originally created by the Diolinux project, a brazilian tech blog and YT channel with content focused on open-source (most of the time), which makes the patch available on Github for download. However when I used this patch I noticed some small details that in my personal experience were not completely in line with what I wanted; they are small details of certain shortcuts and some of the things included that I took the liberty to customize and leave more related to my own "workflow", and I imagine that this could also be useful to other GIMP users who already have experience with Photoshop (specially CS6).


    You can directly download the file in .zip format, the instructions for installation are also attached inside the file on a .txt file.

    With GIMP closed simply delete the folder called 2.10, then replace it with the folder from the downloaded archive with the same name.

    If in doubt about the folder location, inside GIMP select Edit --> Preferences --> Folders . Depending on the package manager or OS that you're using this folder can be found in:




    With this you will be able to have a closer experience with Photoshop through GIMP. Have fun creating!


    "Q: Why including more color profiles, isn't GIMP's sRGB good enough?"

    A: Don't get me wrong, for making memes or for casual image editing sRGB is enough (simply put, sRGB is a smaller color space), but when it comes to professional media creation AdobeRGB is generally the most used color space out there simply because 98% of the Graphic Designers out there are using Photoshop in the first place. I've learned the hard way that the difference between these color profiles can be quite noticeable, specially if you are dealing with the visual identity of a stablished brand (and with that very specific color codes to work with).

    "Q: Why didn't you put this project on Github?"

    A: For one simple reason: copyright.

    The thing is that just for downloading these color profiles Adobe makes you accept a End User Agreement. I don't want any headaches with this little project and I suppose that Github doesn't allow projects with these types of files included. My idea is to disponibilize something quick and easy to set up and get going for any user with everything needed already there.

    "Q: Can I redistribute this archive?"

    A: This patch is 100% free to use and share, feel free to make alterations of your own and share with your friends (if you have any). Credits would be nice but are not necessary.

    "Q: This patch will work on the new 3.0 version?"

    A: I don't know for sure, but it worked as intended in the development 2.99 builds so probably yes. If not, I will make sure to make a new version of the patch.

    Fuck Adobe, remember to always pirate their software!

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